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Siobhán Cooney
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Recording Ideas

I record my ideas in different ways. I use lots or photographs for reference, and I enjoy taking pictures on the spur of the moment on my phone when I’m out and about. I equally enjoy taking out my Canon and thinking about my frame structure and composition. Either way photographs are integral elements that link between my inspiration and my ideas. I like to find similarities in the patterns I see around me. I find collaging my photographs can give me a real insight in the ideas that are running around in my head trying to get out. I sketch using mainly coloured pencils, and a keep several working sketch books where I sketch, stick and write.


I apply paint in various ways. I use standard paint brushes, and I particularly like paddle brushes. They are wonderful for seamless blending, and for large surface areas. They give me the freedom to apply fluid stokes that some long handle brushes prevent me from doing. I also use palette knives and wedges. I use these to apply thick textured layers of paint. The main way I apply paint to a surface I’m working on is by converting the paint to a liquid, so it can be directly applied to the surface. This technique is known as fluid art, it is sometimes referred to as fluid painting, flow art, or liquid art. Fluid art Is a form of abstract art that uses acrylic paint with a medium to get it to the right consistency, this consistency is then known as fluid acrylic.


I use a regular sewing machine to sew into paper and canvas. The paper or canvas has already been painted on. I use the thread as you would use paint. I use it to give texture, tone, and a colour vibrancy that you can’t get his other mediums. I use the sewing machine in a setting known as free sewing. Free sewing is a fundamental setting on the machine. It changes the integrity of the machine by lowering the feed gripper, which allows you to have full control of the direction you can take the needle and so means you don’t have to change the direction of the piece you’re working on in order to sew. You change the direction whenever you feel you need to or want to.


Different types of paint react differently to a resin mixture. Resin is a two-part compound that hardens to a clear glossy finish. You can add paints to the resin, or paint something and then pour resin over it to create the glossy/glassy finish. I generally do the later, but occasionally a combination of the two. This allows me to add more depth and use the resin for more than just its shiny properties. I also mix an array of different fine and course grained glitters into sections of resin before applying to create sparkling colour pop elements.


General one stop shop for all supplies - Click here

Resin - Click here

High flow acrylic - Click here

My favourite high quality acrylic paint - Click here

Paddle brush - Click here

My favourite range of brushes - Click here

My frame maker - Click here

Circular framer - Click here

Threads and needles - Click here

Sewing machine - Click here

Emulsion - Click here

Medium - Click here

Paint conditioner - Click here

Varnish - Click here